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More productive teamwork
without any added stress

The best way to try Zigzag AI


₹800 ₹499

per person / month

1 workflow per user

 20 queries per day per user

Unlimited cameras

 Real-time queries from live feed

30 day money back guarentee


The smartest way to run your team

₹1400 ₹999

per person / month

 Everything in Basic

2X queries per day per user

Meeting assistant

 AI Task Manager

30 day money back guarentee

Zigzag AI pricing - lowest price, quality product
  • Is there any limit for AI?
    In the basic tier, anyone can ask upto 20 queries per day. For the pro tier, it's goes upto 50.
  • Is your data safe with Zigzag AI?
    Absolutely, Zigzag AI secures your data with AES-256 encryption at rest and HTTPS/TLS during transmission.
  • Does Zigzag AI comply with SOC 2 standards?
    Zigzag AI is working towards SOC 2 certification with the goal of completing it by mid 2025.
  • Has Zigzag AI met GDPR requirements?
    Zigzag AI is actively pursuing GDPR compliance, targeting completion by mid 2025.
  • I forgot to cancel my subscription. Can I get a refund?
    If you write to us within 24 hours of being charged, we'll try our best to give you a refund. But we recommend that you always cancel your subscription before the next payment date to avoid all this hassle. But, one question: why are you leaving us? Please write to us with detailed reasons or feedback and we'll give you a discount. Use the subject line 'HERE IS WHY I LEFT YOU' 😛
  • I need help with using Zigzag AI. Is there any guide?
    Yes! You can go to the Zigzag AI Guide page.

Have questions about pricing?

Shoot us an email at

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